Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Wednesday, August 25, 1976

Be not afraid, for it is I, Jesus, standing here.

Take thought on how your are to meet me. You've taken care to awaken
your minds to my message. Now take care to awaken your soul to my
spiritual impressions. It is not just Kay that can hear my voice, but all of
you. All of you at the same time, in the same moment, can hear me.
Press yourself forward so that this reality is part of your life. For I am
within all of you, equally. When you do not hear me, it is only from the
hardness of your heart, from the callouses, from the bruises, from the

Sense me. As you sense me in small things, in little things, sense me
in that tiny voice inside - that impression - that impression that grows
to be a clarity. In its clearness, it becomes the voice of God within you.
Each must develop this. Each must take steps now to feel it. For we
have not taken the first little step to begin our climb, until we hear this
voice within us - each in his own way, but now.

You hear the voice, not by hearing it, but feeling it - not in the way you
hear a bell, with Earth ears, but from the way the Spirit works, with
impression. The feeling of the word is impressed on your mind.
As you turn to these impressions, they are like rocks which you can
build with - rocks that build out to a strong bridge between this world
and my world. And over this bridge, many shall come to you, and you
shall help them pass, and realize my world - through your example,
through your words, through your thoughts, through your deeds,
through your smiles.

All things must be my things. As you give yourself to me within every
moment, I become you, and you become my examples here on
Earth. So listen for me, in every moment asking yourself, "Is this
what God would have me do? Is this what God would have me say?
Is this how I should behave?" And compare it to me and my words,
to my life. Compare, and listen deeply inside - deeply - very deeply.
Still your mind. Still the wandering, the coming in and going out,
the desires, the attitude. Put down all those things that rob you of the
inner voice. Put them away. And, in the peace, begin to build your
bridge of my words. Listen for me. That is your lesson of the day -
to hear me.

I come not demanding. I come with peace. I come with joy, with
understanding. My words will lift you - lift you. They will set your feet
on the right path. They will make you understand that you are not
alone - no, not alone, for even a very moment, but with me always.
Hear me. Feel me. Feel my presence with you. My presence must
become as familiar as your presence, so that you and I are one.

Let your heart open up and forgive the way my heart did when I said
"Father - forgive them, they understand not". Open. Open, and reach
ever closer to my words. It is not enough that one person hears me.
It is not enough that you wake every morning to learn. You must all
become realized - realized spirits, realized souls embodied on

...lost heritage...

So many have come before and lost the way, for they didn't hear me
clearly. They sought my words in books; sought my words in others.
They did not become those words.

To become the Christ, you must be like Christ - in every way, in every
step. To become like Christ you must know Christ in every moment.
Take today to listen in the moment, so that my impressions can be
placed on you. You shall act accordingly. Be not finished with
glorifying my in the moment. Be not finished with loving me in the
moment, but do my will - God's will who sent me to you.

Know me. Know me as a friend that walks beside you. Know me as
a great power and authority. Know me as Love, Kindness, Direction.
Know me. And when you know me, ye shall know yourselves. Ye
shall be saved - saved from indecency; saved from destruction;
saved from all the things that are of the Earth, and temporal.
Hear me; know me; praise me. Amen.